A “battery” is when two linear pieces (such as rooks, queens, or a bishop) join forces to attack the same point on the board.

White has two pieces lined up in a battery, aiming at a critical square near the black king. Can you see a way to make the battery “fire”?

Great job! The Qd3 and Bc2 needed to remove the knight from f6, which was defending h7.

If Black did not capture on d5, nothing would change. White would trade on f6 with check, getting rid of the key defender anyway!
The battery can now fire! White to play.

Bravo. The queen checkmates the black king, supported by the bishop. This battery burned up Black!
Topic 2

White has an open file near the Black king! By creating a battery, it is possible to force checkmate. But it must be done at the right time! White to move.

Great job! This was a tricky one. 23.Qh2 was natural, but that would allow Black to fight back with 23…Rh8.

If the king moved to g6 or g8 then 24.Qh2 would quickly force checkmate.
How should White begin to form the battery?

Right! The queen enters the h-file first, so that White will be able to prevent Black from challenging that file.

If 24…Kg8 then White would immediately win with 25.Rh1 since there is no 25…Rh8 move. 24…Kg6 would be met by checkmate immediately by 25.Qh6#.
Should White complete the battery or is there a way to insert a move that prevents Black from challenging the battery?

Very good! Just like before, 25.Rh1 is answered by 25…Rh8. But now the black king will be forced back and that move will be impossible.

Forced, but now the black rook cannot reach the h-file.
White is down a rook, but can now complete the battery and force a checkmate.

Great job! The queen and bishop batter is decisive. There is no way to stop White’s threats of Qh7# or Qh8#, so it is checkmate next move.