- If you win material
- If you prevent your opponent from castling
- When you have to do two things at the same time
- To play defence.
Did you know it’s not always good to check? Let’s explore the right time to check and why.

Your Move
(You play black)
What is the best way to meet White’s useless check – Qa4?

The lesson here is simple: Just because you SEE a check, doesn’t mean you PLAY a check! Black easily gets out of check by blocking. Now the white queen is under attack and has to retreat.

Your Move
(You play black)
How can Black use checks to win material before capturing the bishop on d8?

Great move. Black was down a queen for a piece, but by checking here, Black forces White to give up the queen. This is a common trap from a variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined opening.

Your Move
(You play black)
Even if he White doesn’t want to, White must block the check with the queen – there are simply no other legal moves!
What’s next?

Black could also just take the bishop on d8, since the white queen is pinned and can’t go anywhere.

Your Move
(You play black)
White has to get out of check, so White might as well take this bishop.
Time for some hanging pieces practice! What should Black play to finish off this question?

Very good – Black captures the bishop before it gets away. If you count the pieces, you will see that Black is up a knight for a pawn – a winning material advantage.