Can you see a way for Black to trade off the knights and rooks using a tactic? Even if you don’t “win points” because Black is already ahead, a big trade could help!

Great move! Black has captured a knight and will lose a rook – not an equal trade. But if you looked ahead, you will see that Black will soon win back the rook for the knight.

Your Move
(You play black)
Now White has a rook against a knight. Did Black mess up, or is there a good “followup” move?

Great job! Black planned this on the move before. This checks the king and attacks the rook – a “fork”.

Your Move
(You play black)
White must save the king and protect the rook.
Finish the “trading tactic” now for Black!

#1 Complete
White will now capture the knight with the king, so Black’s tactic did not actually win any material – it just traded both rooks and knights. But now, up two pawns with no other pieces on the board, Black will find it much easier to march the pawns up and promote them.