

Your Opponent!

In chess, you’ve got to be one step ahead of your opponent! Learn how to keep them on their toes by anticipating their moves. Why did White just play 3.Bc4? What is White threatening? Find it and stop it! Correct!…


Tackle these test questions to really understand what an outpost is and how to use it. Your Move (You play white) White has a great knight on the outpost square e5, but doesn’t Black have an equally good outpost? How…

Pieces Working Together

No more tunnel vision! When chess pieces join forces you’ll start to see the whole board to solve problems. Your Move (You play white) The bishop needs the black king to be in the a8 corner to deliver a checkmate.…

When to Check?

Did you know it’s not always good to check? Let’s explore the right time to check and why. Your Move (You play black) What is the best way to meet White’s useless check – Qa4? Complete The lesson here is…

What’s Combination? or How Pieces work together?

A combination is a series of moves that get you an advantage. Often, you combine several tactical themes. Let’s see this double fork: White to move! Excellent! This fork requires that the bishop be captured. Black has won a piece. What’s the point?————————————–…

How to Plan?

Though not all checks are good, you must be aware of all the checks in a position. Missing a chance to check could mean missing a chance to checkmate! In this position, count all of the possible checks, then play…

When to trade?

Can you see a way for Black to trade off the knights and rooks using a tactic? Even if you don’t “win points” because Black is already ahead, a big trade could help! Correct! Great move! Black has captured a…

Where to Attack?

Black’s central pawn chain on d6 and e5 points to the proper direction of attack–the kingside! How can Black clear the way for a space-gaining pawn advance over there? Excellent! Black should attack on the kingside, where the d6-and e5-pawns…

What To Do When You’re Losing?

PLEASE LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLE When you are defending a bad position, you have to be able to balance between passively defending and creating counter-threats. How can Black (Magnus Carlsen!) defend? Very good. Black must defend against the threat…