Though not all checks are good, you must be aware of all the checks in a position. Missing a chance to check could mean missing a chance to checkmate! In this position, count all of the possible checks, then play the ONLY check which is checkmate!

Excellent. There are 13 different possible checks (did you get that right?). This is the only one which is checkmate. To see one check and play it immediately, without considering all possible checks, would be foolish! Good things come to those who consider all the checks.

Outside of checkmate, the most concrete advantage a player can have is a material one. Before moving, you should consider every possible capture. One of them might lead to a win of material. Before clicking to move forward, count every single capture.

This move looks crazy, since the knight on d5 is protected. White will lose the queen! However, if we look ahead, we can see that we will end with more material in the end. If, instead, White captured on e7, the material would remain equal since Black would simply recapture with the knight on d5.

Your Move
(You play white)
Black has to capture the queen. Oherwise a piece is lost. If 1…Bxg5 then 2.Qxb7 wins a piece for White.
We must continue to play the strongest captures. Identify all six possible captures. Play the one which wins the most material.

Yes! Not only is this a capture, but it is also a check. Consequently, Black has no time to save the bishop on d5.

Your Move
(You play white)
If Black captures (2…Qxe7), then after 3.Bxe7 White will be up a piece, with more to come.
After a series of captures, it is time to recall last lesson! Which forcing move wins the maximum amount of material for White?

Great job! See how important it is to look for checks (as in the last lesson)? The knight checks the king and discovers an attack on the queen by the bishop on g5.

Your Move
(You play white)
Black may as well take a knight while getting out of check.
You should have seen this already. What is White’s best move?

Of course! White’s sequence of captures and checks has regained the queen with a material plus.

Your Move
(You play white)
Alternatively Black could retreat the bishop on d5, but then White would the retreat the bishop on d8. The outcome is no different.
Time to mop up. Find the best move for White.

Once again, we must be sharp-eyed and consider all the captures. This one is simple of course. After the fireworks, White is up a knight with an easily winning endgame.