Explore the world of chess and discover the creativity behind it!

Tactics: The Fork

A knight and pawn double attacking two enemy pieces is called a fork. Let’s find out why. A fork is a double attack by a knight or a pawn. This position is a crazy one, but White has a powerful…

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King & Queen Mate!

There is a simple pattern for white to win this game every time. You can use the pattern shown here to win with queen and king against the lone king! You can’t checkmate the king in the middle of the board,…

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Phases of a Chess Game!

Are you ready for a fun challenge? Test your knowledge about the opening, middlegame, and endgame in chess. As you learned, the opening is all about development! Remember, sleeping soldiers can’t fight! Click through to get to your first question.…

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Learning to Count

The chessboard is a dangerous place! Counting is the key to safely capturing your opponent’s pieces and defending your own. Let’s see what happens when Black tries capturing on d4. Is he going to win material, lose material, or stay…

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Passed Pawns!

Discover how passed pawns can give you the winning edge in an endgame. Your Move (You play white) White has one passed pawn in this position – find it and move it forward two squares now! Complete Very good. The…

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Queen against Pawn!

Can a pawn on the seventh rank take down a mighty queen? Let’s dive into this game-changing strategy! Here we have a basic position from this commonly-reached endgame. White is up a queen, but the black pawn is constantly threatening…

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Strong and Weak Pawns

Not all pawns are created equal, some are strong and some are weak. Let’s see what these small but mighty pieces can do. Your Move (You play white) Lots of pawns to take in the center! Find the right exchange…

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Your Opponent!

In chess, you’ve got to be one step ahead of your opponent! Learn how to keep them on their toes by anticipating their moves. Why did White just play 3.Bc4? What is White threatening? Find it and stop it! Correct!…

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